Become an FHF Club, Inc. Member
We hope you will consider being an official FHF Club, Inc. Member. By doing so, you will be helping us enrich the lives of our students whom we serve (and the lives of our FHF student members) in an extra special way. More so than that, you join our FHF family. You become a reason behind our students’ smiles, the hands cheering them on, and the encouragement that makes such a huge difference in each of their lives.
Annual Membership Deadline
Even though donations are gratefully accepted any time, the annual FHF Club, Inc. Membership forms are due by December 12th to meet the printer deadline for the yearbook and apparel. We encourage making pledges early to secure a space in the yearbook and to give us ample time to design page(s) to your complete satisfaction.
In Person
Donations are gratefully accepted by our treasurer Hannah McAvoy
at any FHF Club event.
Mail Your Donation
Mail your donation to:
FHF Club, Inc.
1027 Micliff Drive
Elberton, GA 30635
If you'd like to become an official FHF, Inc. Friend please mail us this form:
FHF Club, Inc. Membership Form.
FHF Club, Inc. Membership Opportunities
Please check out our
FHF Club, Inc. Membership Opportunities.
You may also click to download the
FHF Club, Inc. Membership Form.
Please note that donations received at FHF Club events may be credited to FHF Club, Inc. Membership!